Thursday, November 13, 2008


I am trying to start a dream/astral projection journal. I honestly have not started yet because the snooze is the best thing ever invented! Well, the reason for this is to remember my dreams more. I know I have very vivid dreams all the time bc countless times I have woke up acting them out. If I can start remembering my dreams more, it means that I can start being aware of them will I am sleeping. This will cause me to have a lucid dream.

A lucid dream itself would be amazing to have. I have had control of my dreams many times but never really knew how amazing I could have made it. Normally I realize I am dreaming in a monster dream and I take over to kill the monster. I have had flying dreams where I knew I was dreaming and took control. But never did I ever take full control.

With this I can astral project through a lucid dream. My body is already asleep and now my mind is alert to the dream and all I would have to do is an exit strategy (I learned this from readings, not personally....yet!)

Anyways, My most recent dream was a few nights ago. I was sitting in a room with other friends of mine and I was watching them sleep, but I myself was also asleep in my dream watching them sleep (it was wierd). Well, one by one I watched them all Astrally Project. I was amazed and pissed off at the same time. They were doing what I have been wanting to do. I was watching it. I tried in the dream and couldnt do it. I awoke in the morning frustrated.

*Just thought of this*
I wonder if this pointed out an underlying fear I have. I think I fear that I cant project. That I do not have the power to project myself into the Astral Plain. I will write this down in my journal

Saturday, November 8, 2008


My main problem is that I can fall to sleep really fast anytime I want to. I have never had troubles sleeping. All these relaxation excersises and meditation just make it easier for me to fall asleep. Even in the mornings after I wake up, I can easily fall right back to sleep.

And then when I can relax my body and keep my mind awake, I feel my awake mind focuses on my conscious/physical body even more. I can get to that level between sleep and awake easily, but I either get distracted and wake up, or fall asleep in two seconds.

I need to work on two things I think
1. Concentration - learn to focus on one thing and keep it
2. Recongnize when I am about to fall asleep and wake myself up, if I can do this more then I can
hold that place between sleep and awake long enough to AP

Maybe I am jumping into this to quickly....Maybe I should focus on just relaxing for a while, then just concentration. When I think one is doing well then I can move on.

Keep you posted

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Best Experience yet....

There are vibrations that people say occur right before you can project out of your body. After several attempts to at least feel these vibrations, I finally felt them.

I started my excersises but fell asleep so fast I didnt have time to concentrate on OB. So, I started to dream. Now I have always had very vivid dreams I can still remember many dreams that I have had from years ago with great detail.

I was dreaming that I was teaching 4 classes at once. But I had split myself into 4 people (all looking like me). And a 5th one from which I viewed the other 4. I then realized at that moment, that I was dreaming. I suddenly became aware of small vibrations. Instead of getting excited I focused on them and they soon became incredibly strong, almost overpowering. Then I felt like I was going incredibly fast while vibrating. Now all this was real, conscious, I was not dreaming. I felt like I was going to fast that I started to float and I could feel my body lifting. Then my fear kicked in. I couldnt breathe, or it felt like I was suffocating. I took in a deep breath and remained focused but the suffocating feeling was still there. Then my little girl starting crying and ruined my concentration and I shot up out of bed wide awake.

This is the closest I have been to having an OBE so far. Once I do, I will tell you

Reasons and Fears

I have read that it would be a good idea to list why you want to have an OBE and some fears that you have about it.

Visit Friends and Family that are gone
Visit Friends and Family that are still living
To Fly
To find out what truely happens

Cant Breathe (you will see)
Cant get back in

My Intro

This whole blog to for me to write/type out my dreams and Out of Body/Astral Projection experiences.

I have recently been turned on towards the idea of projecting ones spirit out of their physical body. I have read many websites and have starting reading a few books on the subject so that I may have as much information as possible. I try every day to have this experience.

If this is possible, as many say it is, then it would then be my goal to learn how to do it and share it freely with others so they could realize their potential.

I have been trying now for about a week. I have tried relaxation, concentration, visualization, and imagination excersises, and so far all I have gotten are constant dreams every night. One night I did not do these excersises I didnt have a dream and didnt sleep as well. So If anything, I will get some good rest!!!