Saturday, November 8, 2008


My main problem is that I can fall to sleep really fast anytime I want to. I have never had troubles sleeping. All these relaxation excersises and meditation just make it easier for me to fall asleep. Even in the mornings after I wake up, I can easily fall right back to sleep.

And then when I can relax my body and keep my mind awake, I feel my awake mind focuses on my conscious/physical body even more. I can get to that level between sleep and awake easily, but I either get distracted and wake up, or fall asleep in two seconds.

I need to work on two things I think
1. Concentration - learn to focus on one thing and keep it
2. Recongnize when I am about to fall asleep and wake myself up, if I can do this more then I can
hold that place between sleep and awake long enough to AP

Maybe I am jumping into this to quickly....Maybe I should focus on just relaxing for a while, then just concentration. When I think one is doing well then I can move on.

Keep you posted

1 comment:

Prophazuh said...

It seems like you know what to work on. Once you get that focus thing down, you should be able to project frequently.